Suggested items for Seed Ministry Barrel
Children’s clothing – summer style, t-shirts, shorts, good and useable Adult Clothing
Children’s underwear – must be new in package
Girl’s dresses
Croc type shoes and Athletic tennis shoes
Medicine – must have a good date
Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Motrin, Pepto, tablets
Tooth Paste and Toothbrush
Hydrocortisone cream
Multi-Vitamins adult and children’s
Reading Glasses any power
Gently used prescription glass, mark prescription if possible
Eye drops, clear eyes, refresh, Visine
Band-Aids all sizes
School Supplies
Spiral notebook
Pens and pencils
Pencil sharpener
The small handheld Markers and crayons
Light backpack
Pencil packs
Soccer balls
Jump Rope
Small cars (hot wheels)
Things like you would put into an Operation Christmas Child Box