Here are some things you need to know for Sundays.

First and foremost, while it will be different, we are EXCITED to see you and we will celebrate gathering together!

We are observing the necessary social distancing in entering, during worship, and exiting the building. 

We are recommending and encouraging everyone to wear a mask or face covering unless you have a health issue that prohibits wearing one. Masks can be removed once you are seated. We want to love one another. If it means wearing a mask to show that, by all means, let’s show just love.  

If you are sick, running a fever, or have been in close contact with COVID-19 please do not attend in person.

If you are considered a Vulnerable Person or a high risk for the virus, online worship and ministry is still available for you on YouTube and Facebook at 11 AM. You are a valued and important member of our church family, no matter if you choose to worship online or in person.

Please participate in the service, let’s sing, rejoice and celebrate as we worship!  

Our worship service is at 11 AM and our online worship service will be at 11 AM on YouTube and Facebook. 

The building will be sanitized between services.

1st Kids Worship for children grades K -5 meet in the gym.
Check-in at the office lobby. We will take each child’s temperature. Pick-up is also in the lobby.
Click here for more details. 

Our Preschool Worship is now meeting in the 1st Kids Room in the basement below the sanctuary. Check-in at the office lobby and one of greeters would be glad to help you get to the 1st Kids Room.

Offering boxes will be available as you exit. Please continue to use online giving, mail, or drop off at the office. 

You will not receive a bulletin.  Please do bring your Bible, pen, and something to take notes with. Please make sure to take everything you brought into the building with you when you are dismissed.